Voice are delighted to have been selected to be part of Brighton Early Music Live! 18/19. They will be working with the festival to develop a new early music programme. Review of their Brighton Early Music Festival Concert 2018 – “Voice…Their tuning and bell-like sound made their performance…the most sheerly beautiful thing all day.” Ivan Hewett, The Telegraph
Existing Early Music programmes include:
‘A Life of Love and Joy’: A programme of songs that illustrate both joyful, celebratory settings of poetry often using the theme of birds as heraldic symbols, and the recurring topic of unattainable love so often expounded in Medieval Europe.
Title text translated from a line in Guillaume de Machaut’s “Puis qu’en oubli”.
Performed at Oxford Early Music Festival (2016) and Petworth Festival (2017).
“Voice’s performance was an absolute triumph of history and music in a setting that put it amongst the truly exceptional experiences so unique to Oxford. ” Oxford Daily Information